Teaching Series

Life demands that we ask a lot of questions. Hard questions. What is life? Is there more to this life? Can anything or anyone save me from my broken messed up life? Is there a God? Does God really care about our suffering? If Jesus is the answer, can I be confident that Jesus really is God in the flesh? Did Jesus even claim to be God? When life is spinning out of control, how can I grow in confidence that Jesus knows what He is doing? Does Jesus really love me? Is this ‘Jesus died on the cross’ thing really as personal as preachers make it sound?
To find our answers, what if we could travel back in time to talk to one of his original followers? Specifically, someone who knew Him best and lived out his life staying faithful to Jesus? Wouldn’t it be amazing to talk to ‘the old man John’ who was a young man when Jesus said follow me but lived out his firm belief that Jesus was exactly who He claimed to be. Wouldn’t it be breathtaking to ask John about life’s hardest questions?
We can. Time travel? Not so much. Go deep with an OG follower of Jesus? Absolutely. Join us on Sundays at 9:00am or 10:45am at Harvest Community Church as we unpack The Gospel of John.

On Sunday, we’re beginning a Christmas series called Origin Story. We all know that Christmas is about the birth of Christ. The when, where, and how it all began of the story of Jesus. But, as we dig deeper into the story, we find Christmas is about much more. Instead of complicating Christmas this year, join us over the next few weeks as we talk about how to grow in faith as we wait on God, why God’s presence means more than you know, and what to do when your Christmas is heavier and darker than you would prefer. We will cap it all off on Christmas Eve as we remember that miracle night when God came near. The month of December is an incredible time to bring your family and friends. Who can you invite right now to join you on Sunday at 9:00am or 10:45am?

This Fall, we’re kicking off a new series called Outrageous Hope. Our world is so chaotic. The news of the day is often so difficult. And the pains of life are real. We need hope, and Jesus offers a hope that is literally beyond this world. Bring your friends this Sunday as we explore the hope we have in Jesus. Hope that will not disappoint. Hope that keeps us moving forward. Hope that will sustain us through the impossible. Hope that comforts us in the deepest of grief. Hope that reminds us that God and His love are working in our broken lives. If you need an infusion of hope and strength, you’re going to want to be there in person this Sunday. We have two services at 9:00am and 10:45am. Full Kid’s Ministry happens during the 10:45am service. And we’re online every Sunday after 9:00am.
In May, we’re beginning a new series called Adulting 101. It’s all about how to speed up your steps toward faithfulness and maturity. I know, that sounds kind of boring. Let me put it another way. It’s all about how to skip the painful consequences of the poor decisions that come from immaturity. If you could find some of the secrets to life and skip some of the painful decisions that we all “have to figure out for ourselves,” wouldn’t you want to know those secrets? By the way, let’s not pretend it’s just the people in their 20’s who struggle with Adulting 101. This is for all of us. Along the way, we’ll explore the Scripture to discover not only how to better people, but how to be better Christians.
God is doing something special these days that you don’t want to miss. And your friends truly need to experience what God is doing. Bring someone with you this week at 9:00am or 10:45am. If you can’t make it in person, we’re online at 9:00am and all week.
This Spring, we’re exploring the Bible in a new series called Godspell to discover exactly what makes the good news good. Godspell is the old English word for Gospel, and both mean “good news” or “good story.” This series is all about the greatest news ever: Jesus loves us enough to lay down His life for our sins, yet He’s alive today to live inside of us and change us for grace and good.
Over the next weeks, we’re going to explore the Scripture to discover the essence of grace. We’ll talk about what we get wrong and how we can get it right. It turns out we get a lot wrong. Since Jesus’ grace is so good, we’re going to dig in to make sure we get the good news right and know how to share it simply with others.
God is doing something special these days that you don’t want to miss. And your friends truly need to experience what God is doing. Bring someone with you this week at 9:00am or 10:45am. If you can’t make it in person, we’re online at 9:00am and all week.

Can we be honest about something? Pain sucks. You know it. I know it. You never expect a pastor to say it. But I did. Because it does. A reality check – every single person you know is struggling with a pain you likely know nothing about. Pain can be physical, emotional, mental, relational, or even spiritual. It comes in all shapes and sizes. Pain is as unique as our personalities and fingerprints.
So what can we do about it? I want to talk about that over the next weeks in a new series called Pity or Perseverance. We’re talking about how the pains of life present a choice: wallow in self-pity or become stronger by turning to God. From now until Easter, we will explore the Bible to discover how to become stronger while facing pain. Specifically, we’ll unpack 5 choices that make all the difference between pity and perseverance.
Pain is personal to me. If you know my story, you know I suffer from chronic pain in a variety of forms including a headache over the last two and half years that my doctors cannot alleviate no matter what we’ve tried. It’s easy, even natural, to turn to self-pity. Been there, done that. The questions are endless. The solutions always seem a little beyond your grasp. The number one goal when we are in pain: Get out of it. In self-pity and the desire to numb our pain, we feel stuck, wallowing in isolation and self-sufficiency. There has to be a better way to live. There is. I’m not promising I can take away your pain, but I am pointing us to the One who will one day end pain, suffering, sin, grief, and death – forever.
If you come to Harvest this Sunday, I’ll give you
a free copy of a book I wrote about pain and perseverance called
Letters to My Friends in Pain. If you can’t make it to Harvest or would like additional copies for friends, they can be purchased
God is doing something special these days that you don’t want to miss. And your friends truly need to experience what God is doing. So, bring someone with you this week at 9:00am or 10:45am. If you can’t make it in person, we’re online at 9:00am and all week.

In the new year, we’re beginning a new series called “This is the Way.” Want to grow in your faith in 2024? If you are interested in becoming the best version of you in the year ahead, this is the way. Jesus’ way of life is the best way to become all you’ve dreamed of being. His way of life is to become our new way of life. But how? What does His way of life look like? And how does that impact how we treat each other in this world? Join us on Sundays at 9:00am or 10:45am as we explore why His way is The Way.

We tend to sanitize the Christmas season. We want everything to be shiny and bright. But that’s not always reality, is it? We’re kicking off Christmas 2023 with a new series called Thrill of Hope: Can a Weary World Still Rejoice? It’s an honest question. There’s a lot of weariness in our world. Not just in our world, but in our hearts. I hardly run into anyone who doesn’t confess to some level of discouragement, fear, anxiety, and/or weariness. And I understand why. I am there myself. It’s ok to not feel like Buddy, the Elf, at Christmas time.
Over the next three Sundays, we’re going to explore the Christmas story to remember why Jesus was born, why we can embrace hope even when we don’t feel hopeful, and how we can choose joy when the world gives us every reason not to. I believe these weeks will speak deeply to whatever is going on in your soul. So bring your neighbors and friends on Sunday at 9:00am or 10:45am as well. And remember, we’re online on YouTube and Facebook at 9:00am and the service is available the rest of the week.

This Fall, we’re beginning a new series called Real ID. How do you define who you are? What are the most important things to understand about yourself? Who do you want to be in 2023? The answer to those questions is important, but the real answer doesn’t start with you. It starts with Jesus. We’ll dig back into the book of Colossians in the New Testament to discover more about who Jesus is and what that means for our daily lives. We want to help you grow in your faith. As always, we’re online at 9:00am on Sunday, and in person at 9:00am and 10:45am. Who do you know that needs to grow in their faith? Reach out to them today and invite them to join you!

We’ve all got questions for God. Truthfully, we’ve all got questions that we’re not sure it’s ok to ask. Starting Easter Sunday, join us at Harvest Community Church where we will ask some difficult if not embarrassing questions to God, and we’ll study the Bible to discover God’s answers to the questions that we are “asking for a friend.”
- Do you really expect me to believe that Easter Can Make a Difference in My Life?
- The Resurrection Seems Too Much Like Nonsense to Be Believable. Do you Really Expect Me to Believe that Jesus Went in Dead and Came Out Alive?
- Why Does Jesus Care Who I Sleep With?
- Life is Painful. I’m Considering Suicide. What Does Jesus Think About That?
- I’ve Got a Lot of Regrets. What am I Supposed to Do with My Regrets?
- If God Won’t Give Me More than I Can Handle, Why Am I Having Trouble Handling What God is Giving?

We’re beginning a new series called Mistaken Identity. How do you define who you are? What are the most important things to understand about yourself? Who do you want to be in 2023? The answer to those questions is important, but the real answer doesn’t start with you. It starts with Jesus. We’ll dig into the book of Colossians in the New Testament to discover more about who Jesus is and what that means for our daily lives. We want to help you grow in your faith and we’re starting the year off strong. As always, we’re online at 9:00am on Sunday, and in person at 9:00am and 10:45am. Who do you know that needs to grow in their faith? Reach out to them today and invite them to join you!

It’s hard to believe that Christmas is here. Christians have celebrated the birth of Christ for 2000 years. Advent has been celebrated for in various forms for centuries as Christians prepare themselves for the coming of Christ. We’re dig into the Christmas stories found in the Bible and, along the way, we will discover the adventure of following Jesus. It’s an adventure of hope, of joy, of peace, and of love. On Christmas Eve, we’ll cap off with a candlelighting that celebrates the birth of the baby born to be our Savior. We meet online at 9:00am and in person at 9:00am and 10:45am and we would love to see you this Sunday!
Expert presentations like TED Talks and MasterClass are all the rage these days. What if we could learn about life from the ultimate Master-Teacher – Jesus himself? This series explores what Jesus says about managing life, love, spiritual growth, and so much more. Join us online at 9:00am or in person at 9:00am and 10:45am as we grow in the Word together this fall.
In this 2.0 version of our Soul Care series, each week we unpack a new way of doing life (think spiritual habits). For messages exploring a new way of being (think heart attitudes), check out the series title simply, Soul Care.
Americans spend billions thinking about how to improve our bodies and insane hours working on our appearance. But what about our souls? How is your soul these days? Really? Experiencing health in our souls requires more than just eliminating some obvious things that don’t belong there. Healthy souls “play offense” by intentionally adding both Jesus’ way of thinking and Jesus’ way of living to our lives. These messages explore some heart attitudes that will create space for more health in your soul.
These are difficult times. Life feels more chaotic than ever. People seem to be on edge all the time. Are we just supposed to survive these times, or are we able to do more than survive? Join us online at 9:00am or in person at 9:00am and 10:45am as we explore the Book of Daniel in the Old Testament to discover how we can live with hope and humility in this difficult season.
In a world where everyone wants to go back to a time before the pandemic, we’re exploring how we can go forward with faith. We’ll dig into Hebrews 12 to talk about developing a faith that never gives up. Every new year is a chance to begin again. Perhaps you’ve set aside your faith more than you would like over the last year and you want to prioritize your faith again? Perhaps you just want your faith to be stronger? Perhaps you want to explore how to begin to have faith at all? This series is for you. Invite someone to participate with you this Sunday. We’re online at 9:00 am & in-person at 9:00 am and 10:45 am!

We are kicking off a new Christmas series called, Do You Hear What I Hear. We’re exploring some of the deeper themes of Christmas in the Christmas texts in Matthew and Luke as well as some well known Christmas Carols. It’s going to be a ton of fun, and every week of this series is a great opportunity to invite someone to participate in person and online. We know you won’t want to miss any week of the series. We’re online at 9.00 am and in person at 9.00 am and 10.45 am!
On Sunday, 9/19/21, we’re celebrating Back to Church Sunday. It has been a busy summer and we want to invite you back to what church is all about. We’ll share a special message that day encouraging us to stay faithful to Jesus and what He is doing. Make plans now to be there online or in person. It will be a Sunday when I know your soul will be encouraged.

On Sunday, we will launch a special outreach campaign to reach out to those we know who are first responders, those we know who serve in the medical community, and those we know who serve in various aspects of our military. It has been a tough year and a half for all of us, but those who serve in these ways have been under tremendous pressure over the last year, and we want to come alongside them as a Christian community to show them that they matter and their service makes a difference. I will share much more on Sunday and I hope you will plan to be there. We’ll talk about other forms of outreach for the fall as well. We’re online at 9:00 am and in person at 9:00 am and 10:45 am. We hope you will plan to be there and bring a friend.

I think we all wish we were better at prayer. Whether you are a seasoned saint or brand new to the faith, there’s room for improvement in your prayer life. We’re exploring the Bible to understand what prayer is, what prayer isn’t, and how we can grow as a church in prayer. Jesus told us to pray and not give up. In this series, we’ll show you how. Join us online on YouTube or Facebook at 9:00 am or in person at 9:00 am or 10:45 am. This entire series is great for inviting others.
Sundays at 9am or 10:45am in person. Or 9 am online at either YouTube or Facebook.
This Sunday, we’re taking a pause in our Prayer 101 series to take a look at the heart of God and what it means to be touched by Him. I hope you’ll come and consider bringing someone who needs the touch of God on their life. Sundays at 9am or 10:45am in person. Or 9 am online at either YouTube or Facebook.
There’s much in my life and yours that is toxic: our pride, our selfishness, our frustrations, and our desire to control people and outcomes. We will look to the book of Proverbs to understand the nature of toxic behavior, and we will dig deep into the starting point for a Soul Detox. We hope you are planning now to join us online on YouTube or Facebook at 9:00 am or in person at 9:00 am or 10:45 am. This entire series is great for inviting others.
We can’t wait for our Easter worship on Sunday. We’re online at 9:00 am and in person at 8:00 am, 9:30 am, and 11:00 am. The preaching will be live at our in-person services, and we can’t wait to share with you this message filled with hope. We’ll explore the resurrection story in the Gospel of John and walk away with real HOPE. In this crazy year, who doesn’t need more hope?
We’re launching a new series called Welcome Home that will challenge us all to grow in our faith. In addition, you will have the chance through this series to commit or recommit to Harvest as your home church. We will explore all we do to partner with you to help you grow in your faith. And, we’re going to provide not only the Sunday morning worship experience, but other tools, groups, and resources to help you grow in your love for Jesus, as well. It’s going to be a great season and I don’t want you to miss out!
2021 has arrived! Can you believe it? I’m sure we’re all glad to turn the page and see a new year come. As we start afresh, be encouraged with this special verse. Galatians 6:9 “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”
Use this verse to begin the year stronger, to seek to become people who are more resilient. We’re going to talk about what it would mean for 2021 to be the year of bouncing back. Let’s invest in our faith this year. As we delve into a new series titled “Stonger,” please invite your friends and family to join along with us Sunday mornings at 9:00 am online.
Simply Jesus. Come hear a simple story that changes everything. We’d love to have you join us online Sundays at 9:00 am. Invite a friend!
Are you tired of the craziness of 2020? Can’t wait for life to “go back to normal.” Unfortunately, we have no idea when or if that will happen. So, let’s talk about how to endure turbulence, and in time, how to rise above it. In the weeks ahead, we will dig into the Bible to think through many of the struggles we are all facing in this season: troubles, difficult decisions, emotional fatigue, grief and discouragement. We will see Jesus’ perspective and will gain new insight into how to endure and rise above the turbulence of 2020. This would be a great time to invite someone to join you. We’re online on Sundays at 9:00 am.
We will spend the next 6 weeks unpacking all that Philippians 4 has to offer. We will discuss How to Alleviate Anxiety in Your Soul, Relationships, and more. This would be a great week to reach out to friends and invite them to watch at 9:00am or attend in person at 9:00am or 10:45am.
There is no circumstance without hope.
We’re starting a new series,
Confidence in the Chaos,
renewing our faith in these difficult times.
Invite your friends and family as we celebrate what Easter is all about. Even though we can’t meet in person, we will “gather” throughout the city to hear the best news you’ve heard in a long time.
We will celebrate the Lord’s Supper as we worship this Sunday.
What should we do during these uncertain times? Join us this Sunday at 10:45 am via Facebook livestream as we discuss what it takes to face our fears.
New Series starts March 1st! Join us this Sunday at 9:00 am or 10:45 am.
Does life have meaning? Are we here on earth for a reason? Is there a reason that I exist? These are all good questions. The short answer is YES.
Since the answer is yes, wouldn’t it be nice if God were here, with me, to help me discover that purpose and live it out? Wouldn’t it also be nice if God would give me what I need to live that purpose? Guess what, He has! Join us at 9:00am or 10:45am at Harvest Community Church as we discover together our purpose in life.
Here’s an honest question: Do you look forward to Sundays? We design our weekend gatherings to be moments that fuel the rest of the week. We will explore how the Bible changes lives. This book is a treasure that tells both our story and the story of God. Come have your soul refilled as we dig into 1 Corinthians 9 and 10. We’re excited and hope you are too! Bring someone with you this Sunday at 9:00 am or 10:45 am.
Beginning Sunday January 12th we’re starting a new series called, “What’s Love Got to Do with It?” We’ll seek to understand how God’s love and God’s perspective help understand marriage, dating, singleness, and sex. Don’t miss this new series!
Kick off 2020 with us on Sunday, January 5 at 9:00 am or 10:45 am as we explore how faith can improve your journey next year with a message entitled, “Better.” We will dig into four ways to feed your faith in 2020.
Have you ever felt like you’ve been left on hold? What is the purpose of waiting? Come find out the reason God might have you standing by. We’d love to spend Sunday morning with you!
Please join us this Christmas Season as we discover a King born in a manger! Invite your friends and come Sunday mornings at 9:00am or 10:45am on December 8th & 15th. We will also be gathering on Christmas Eve for Candlelight Services at either 4:00pm or 5:30pm. Please RSVP at www.HarvestChurchEugene.com!
We’re going to explore one of the greatest myths regarding gratitude. I want to help us prepare our hearts for Thanksgiving. I promise it will be good for your soul!
Why Doubt? Have you ever doubted something that others believed to be true? Have you had serious doubts about God, Jesus, and the Bible? If you have you are in good company.
Life is Messy. So are relationships, as well as family. So, why are we surprised when church is messy, too? Bring your friends and family this fall to HCC as we dig into 1 Corinthians to discover how Jesus works in our mess and loves us through it. We’ll also explore how Jesus grows our love for others. Guess what? That will be messy, too. After all, Jesus did teach us to love our neighbor. But he never said it would be easy.
Don’t Check Your Brain at the Door You’ve probably heard it said that if you are going to be a Christian, you’re “going to have to check your brain at the door.” But what if the opposite was true? What if Jesus himself said that you should love God with all of your mind? Over the next 5 weeks, we will dig into Scripture to discuss why Jesus wants to engage our minds as well as our hearts. Topics include:
- Do I have to Shrink my Brain to Live with Faith?
- Can I Really Trust the Bible?
- How Can Christians Believe that God is Good when there is So much Bad in the World?
- Why Do Christians Believe that God is Tri-Unity?
- Hasn’t Science Disproven God and the Need for Faith?
If God created us to be perfect, what happened? Join us this Sunday at 9:00am or 10:45am to hear about how to be made new again.
Have you ever been stumped when you encounter parables in the Bible? Come this Sunday as we learn how to approach these puzzling teachings from Jesus.
We’ve all seen it. Check out your social media feed and everyone is yelling at everyone else. It seems that Rage is all the Rage these days. So we’re going to spend the next 8 weeks digging into why rage isn’t always good and how to understand and channel the anger in our lives. Join us at Harvest on Sundays at 9:00am or 10:45am. We will answer questions like:
- Why Am I So Easily Angered?
- How Do I Begin to Heal Anger?
- How Can I Be Honest with God When I’m Angry At God?
- What Do I Do When Rage Has Taken Over?
- What Do I Do When My Anger Is Justified?
- How Do I Diffuse Anger and Resolve Conflict?
- How Can Christians Be Counter-Cultural in an Age of Rage?
- How Can We Be Love to our Community in an Age of Rage?
Spring is in the air and Easter is right around the corner. Most know the story of Good Friday and Easter Sunday. Some of us know of Palm Sunday. But what exactly happened during that fateful week between Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday. How did Jesus end up on a cross? Join us at 9:00am or 10:45am on Sundays as we dive into the week that changed the world.

Everyone has an opinion about Jesus. Most of us assume we know who he is. But what if Jesus is more? What if you have doubts? What if you just want to know if Jesus, and his forgiveness, are real? Bring all you friends this Fall at 9:00am or 10:45am as we explore the Gospel of Mark to answer the question, Who is Jesus?
Join us this summer and be challenged in Loving God, Loving People, and Loving the World. It’ll be a season of growth while we experience service to our church and community, and fellowship with our family of God.
Join us this Sunday as we talk about how to live the best life possible…a life full of faith and purpose. In this 3 week series, we’ll explore how to plug into Jesus’ mission for our lives and why that’s the most fulfilling way to live.
Ever felt stuck in the past? Felt like you can’t break free from something you’ve done or something that has been done to you? We’ve all been there. Sometimes, the past feels like a chain that holds us back from the future. Thankfully, Easter reminds us that our story isn’t finished until Jesus has a say and Jesus can break us free from what weighs us down. So bring a friend, or 10, at 9:00am or 10:45am this Sunday as we talk about Getting Past Our Past.
- Getting Past My Sinful Past
- Getting Past My Emotional Past
- Getting Past My Financial Past
- Getting Past My Hurt-Filled Past
- Getting Past My Prideful Past
- Getting Past My Relational Past
Ever wanted to experience more of God’s hand and God’s power in your life? Through your life? This Winter, we’re continuing a series going verse by verse through the book of Acts and we’ll explore how Jesus will create a ripple effect in your heart, changing you from the inside out. And together with the Church, Jesus creates a ripple effect in our world, changing our church, community, region and world. We can’t wait to see you there. Bring a friend (or 10) at 9:00am or 10:45am.
Christmas can be many things. Many of those are good: faith, family, and giving. Some are stressful: busy schedules, more spending and extra travel. This Christmas, we’re remembering in a unique way what happened over 2000 years ago, in the little town of Bethlehem. A Savior was born. He made our home his home. Each Sunday between now and Christmas, we’ll explore the Christmas story to remind ourselves about the true Spirit of Christmas.
- Come Home to Hope – Sunday, Dec. 10th (9:00am and 10:45am)
- Come Home to Grace – Sunday, Dec. 17th (9:00am and 10:45am)
- Come Home to Peace – Sunday, Dec. 24th (9:00am and 10:45am)
Ever wanted to experience more of God’s hand and God’s power in your life? Through your life? This Fall, we’re beginning a series going verse by verse through the book of Acts and we’ll explore how Jesus will create a ripple effect in your heart, changing you from the inside out. And together with the Church, Jesus creates a ripple effect in our world, changing our church, community, region and world. We can’t wait to see you there. Bring a friend ( or 10) at 9:00am or 10:45am.
Life is strange. Our stories are sometimes strange. And frankly, some Bible stories are strange. If you think you have God all figured out, think again. Like life, God is full of surprises. Starting
Sunday, October 1st
, we’re going to explore some strange stories from the Bible —a mysterious hand appears to write on a wall—a donkey talks— a sermon kills someone — and we will discover some amazing truths. Don’t miss Sundays at Harvest Community Church at 9:00am and 10:45am.
Tweets are all the rage these days…Everybody’s got an opinion about everything. Whether it’s Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or Snapchat, there is no shortage of opinions in modern life. But what about God’s opinion? Have you ever wished Jesus would send you a short note to tell you what He wants for your life? Bring a friend at 9:00am or 10:45am as we explore 5 short books of the Bible and discover that, indeed, God does have much to say to our lives. 2 John – The Tweet About Truth and Love 3 John – The Tweet About Bad Influence Philemon – The Tweet About Hurt and Forgiveness Obadiah – The Tweet About Indifference Jude – The Tweet About the Faith

Everyone can experience anxiety, including people who believe in and trust in Jesus. Faith doesn’t exempt us from the pressure of this world. But it can strengthen us to face it. What if faith is not a magic easy button but a way to become stronger? What if all of the things we try to pray our way out of are opportunities to become all that God wants us to be?
- Spiritual Angst – Sunday, April 16th
- Future Angst – Sunday, April 23rd
- Social Angst – Sunday, April 30th
- Financial Angst – Sunday, May 7th
- Family Angst – Sunday, May 14th
- And more…

We’ve all got QUESTIONS about heaven. Is there life after death? Will heaven be boring? Will we sit around on clouds with harps? Will my pets be there? Will I recognize my family who died? Do I become an angel when I die? Beginning January 8
, bring a friend to Harvest Community Church as we answer all of our questions about heaven and find HOME.

- Want some assurance that you can trust God?
- Want to know that God is real and He can help?
- Want less fear and more hope?
- Want to know for sure that no matter how you’ve lived, God could still love you?
Find all of that and more this December as we begin a new series,
Finding Christmas. You’ll be reminded of the real meaning of Christmas and it’s a great chance to invite someone you know. Don’t miss this Sunday at 9:00am or 10:45am at Harvest Community Church.

Ever wonder why man made-religion seems empty, but Jesus is so appealing? There’s an easy answer: Grace.
~Dancers have it. Grace.
~Some say it before meals. Grace.
~Courteous people have it. Social Grace.
~Banks offer it. A Grace Period.
~And we sing about it. Amazing Grace.
But what is #Grace really? Bring all of your family and your friends on Sundays at 9:00am and 10:45am as we explore what #Grace really is and why grace is better than you’ve ever dreamed.

Practical Faith
We will be exploring how faith intersects and improves life on the road ahead. No one ever said life would be easy, but God is there to make us stronger. Bring a friend at 9:00 AM or 10:45 AM as we explore how God strengthens us through the trials of life. We’ll examine how faith impacts our troubles, finances, temptations, anger, relationships, words, conflicts, plans and so much more. Don’t miss this SUMMER at Harvest!

Can you Trust the Faith?
We’ve all heard someone say something like “You don’t really believe the Bible, do you?” or “All religions are the same. They all point to the same God.” If you would like to have more confidence in your faith, and be able to have solid thoughts for kind discussions with those who disagree, bring a friend this Spring at 9:00am or 10:45am to Harvest Community Church.
We’ll Explore:
- Myth: You Can’t Trust the Bible
- Myth: God Won’t Give You More Than You Can Handle
- Myth: Jesus Was Just a Good Teacher
- Myth: All Religions Lead to the Same God
- Myth: You Can’t Take Jesus Seriously Because Christians are Just a Bunch of Judgmental Hypocrits
- …And More